woman holds camera for road tip trips inside a car

Road Trip Tips for Planning a Drive Across America

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For many people, driving across the country brings back terrible memories of being stuck in the car for hours, bored, sleepy, and uncomfortable. Screaming kids, car trouble, and poor navigation can easily ruin an entire vacation. I know from childhood – and now adulthood – how awry road trips can get! Even with the best of intentions, some things are just destined to go wrong. But driving across the country doesn’t have to be a chore. By following a few simple road trip tips, you can make your next driving vacation fun, safe, and unique.

woman holds map in car for road trip tips

Pack Car for Safety Preparedness

The most important consideration when planning a road trip is safety. A great way to ensure you have a safe trip is to make sure your car is ready for the journey. It’s a good idea to have the car serviced, making sure all fluids are correct, air pressure is good, and that there are no major mechanical problems.

Being prepared for many circumstances will also go a long way in making your trip a safe one. 

Car Emergency Spare Parts to Bring in Car

Bring car service items in the car in case of a car emergency.

  • Water for an overheated radiator
  • Spare tire
  • Jack
  • Jumper cables

Personal Emergency Supplies to Bring in Car

It’s also a good idea to stock the car with water for you and your family to drink, blankets, and some non-perishable snacks in case you are stranded. Always let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to reach your destination. Another absolute must is a cell phone. If you find yourself in trouble, the best thing you can have on you is a phone to call for help.

  • Drinking water
  • Blankets
  • Non-perishable snacks and food (tuna kits, crackers, dehydrated fruit, cereal, etc.) 
  • Charged cell phone(s)
  • Car cell phone chargers
  • Portable battery pack (charged and ready to use – in case something happens and you cannot charge cell phone in car during an emergency)

Road Trip Tips for Making the Adventure Fun

Entertainment in the car is an important aspect to having a good trip. For adults, music, audio-books, discussion, and even road games can be helpful in fending off boredom. Use it as a time to listen to a book you’ve been wanting to read, or recall some of the games you played in the car as a child. Also, make sure to get out of the car often to stretch legs and give the driver a rest.

Road Trip Car Entertainment for Adults

There is only so much distraction a driver of a car should have around – considering the safety of all involved in the road trip. But here are some road trip tips for entertainment for the passengers and driver. 

Just exercise caution if you are the driver. You want to keep your main focus on driving! 

  • Oral games that passengers can read aloud to driver and other passengers 
  • Podcasts
  • Audio books
  • Playlist to match the theme of your road trip
    • Mountain or wilderness road trip? – Folksy music
    • Ocean road trip? – Soft, calming music
    • City road trip? – Hyped up music

Road Trip Tips for Entertainment for Kids

Children will definitely benefit from some in-car entertainment as well. Whether you choose child oriented music and audio-books, television, or games, the ride will be a much more peaceful one than if entertainment isn’t planned for. Many large stores sell games and toys suited for the car. Try to find something for everyone. Even one unhappy kid can turn a fantastic trip into a nightmare.

  • Travel games for kids 
  • Audio books for children
  • Kids playlists for road trips
  • Tablets or in-vehicle DVD players

Making It Unique

This is where a little extra research can really create an unforgettable drive. If you have the time it’s a great idea to do some digging and learn more about the route you intend to take. Look into unique sight-seeing possibilities. Is there a small museum you can use as a rest-stop? Is there a great local diner you’d love to check out? Antique shopping in a small town? When we are traveling out of state, I like to look at Only in Your State – a website that allows you to filter for things to do in each state. It really helps to to narrow down what is in the area we are visiting.

A scenic view along the way to stop and take pictures? Even without research, if you keep your eyes open to the things you pass, you will often find unique adventures for you and your family. Remember that one of the keys to having a good drive is to get out of the car often. Use this opportunity to find those out of the way places that will make your trip memorable.

woman holds camera for road trip tips inside a car

Use the above road trip tips to make your next vacation on the road a pleasure instead of a hassle. 

Remember, the more planning you do the smoother your trip will go. Make sure your car is ready for the trip and plan for emergencies. Let people know where you’re headed and when you plan to arrive. Give everyone in the car something to do to make the trip as fun as possible. And keep your eyes open for unique experiences along the way. 

Your road trip can be as much about the journey as the destination if you plan well! I wish you many wonderful memories and safe travels!

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