woman stays healthy while traveling with yoga mat on back

Steps on How To Stay Healthy While Traveling

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Want to know how to stay healthy while traveling? Maybe you don’t even think about it, only the thrill of packing your bags and getting away but considering your health on travel won’t spoil your adventure. Some of you would consider traveling a chance for an escape, freedom from everything and everyone. Yes, it is, in some way. Yet, we shouldn’t forget the things to consider how to enjoy traveling more, that you would want to travel again and again after your long or short vacation.

Sometimes, due to excitement and thrill, we don’t even care about our health, even jeopardize it and don’t implement wellness anymore while traveling. Did you ever experience getting sick after globetrotting? Well, in that case, you haven’t prepared well before your travel.

If you’re reading this article right now, it is either you’re planning to travel, or you got sick before right after traveling. You’re lucky that you have stumbled upon this post!

woman stays healthy while traveling with yoga mat on back

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How To Stay Healthy While Traveling

Get Plenty of Sleep While Traveling

You would think, sleep is not important on a trip because, well, come on, you would probably say, ‘’I’m traveling, who cares about sleeping?!’’

Wherever your travel destination is, be it in New York, a city that never sleeps, or in Budapest, one of the party destinations in Europe, then you may have FOMO!

These cities will stay where they are, so you shouldn’t risk your health over it.

If you’re planning to spend your time in a city in the daytime, you should have more energy to enjoy it more. So, don’t always say, the night is still young.

If you’re in the countryside, you might want to spread your sleeping bag like this, that way you won’t feel robbed of the chance to have your beauty sleep.

Stay Hydrated While Traveling

We don’t need a long explanation, of why we have to drink, especially if you have to stay in a sunny country that will make you thirsty from time to time, or if you want to explore your targeted location on foot. You could survive without a portion of food for a long time, but not without water.

Dehydration makes us easily tired since the lack of water supply in the body sends a signal to our heart which the latter has to pump harder leading to fatigue. You would think you’re exhausted, but it could be a case of dehydration. Staying hydrated means having enough water supply which you could always bring along wherever you go. One good example is the use of a leak-proof water bottle.

It won’t be a burden having this bottle along with your journey, in fact, it’s a life-saver.

woman holds water bottle to stay healthy while traveling

Write and Unload Your Brain While on Vacation

You might be saying those words inwardly while reading it. Exactly, why you should write because you’re on vacation, you have the time, and you’re experiencing the moments worth writing for.

Aside from capturing the moments through your pen and a journal, you’ll also feel this freedom,  you have the time for and with yourself. Writing makes you healthier according to Writer’s Digest.

You won’t go to war without weapons. The same concept applies to travel. You shouldn’t travel with incomplete tools.

You should always think of your health and safety. What if you injure yourself and hospitals or even clinics are still miles away? You wouldn’t wish to happen that to you, don’t you?

Stay Healthy While Traveling By Being Prepared for Emergencies

Some say, while traveling, accidents do happen, and we couldn’t control that. In that case, travel insurance is very essential for us and you. Aside from acquiring insurance before you travel, you should also have your weapon with you while traveling, called an emergency kit or first aid kit.

Your kit should contain the following:


Medicine for allergic reactions

Stomach ache medicine


Rehydration tablets (in case of diarrhea)

Wound cleaning gauze


– Tweezers

Small scissors

Painkiller medications

Antiseptic wipes


Note: Condoms can be used as an alternative for water carriers in case of emergency, or they can be used as an emergency ice pack. Condoms are not solely for the obvious reasons, to be sexually safe on travel.

Keep Exercise Habits in Place While Traveling

When you’re traveling, you get caught up with those overwhelming feelings of being in another place and you often forget your exercise routine (if you have one). Dedicate at least 10-30-minute run or some stretching, and walking can do your body and health a favor. Additionally, one way to combat travel fatigue is moving your body.

Sanitize Properly

You might be in the middle of a desert, there’s no adequate water supply, or at the top of the mountain, and you need to climb down a little to wash. Or you’re too lazy to practice proper sanitation and hygiene and dig into your food without even washing your hands.

Bad habit.

You could be lazy or anything, bringing along wet wipes and hand sanitizer is not even a big sacrifice on your part, plus they only use a small space in your luggage. Don’t jeopardize proper hygiene while traveling and pay attention to your health.

Careful Travel Preparations Will Help Mental Health While Traveling

Last, but not least, and very important is the preparation, before, during and even after. To avoid getting hysterical at the airport or denting your budget because you have forgotten this and that, it’s very essential to prepare and stay organized. Nothing can wreck a person’s mental state during travel faster than travel hysteria at the airport! It is no way to start off a trip!

What to prepare? The essentials first namely: passport, visa (if you need one), money, IDs, and other travel documents. It is best to keep your travel documents organized in some kind of travel documents organizer that you keep on your person at all times during travel.

Well, these tips to stay healthy while traveling might be new to you or you’ve been practicing them for quite a while already.

How do you stay healthy while traveling aside from these tips given above? Or did you ever get sick before while traveling? I do too, honestly, and it’s a bother.

You can share your tips too and your experience by commenting down below.

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