advantages of travel letter board on table with coffee mug, passport, Polaroid camera

Advantages of Traveling + A Traveling Checklist

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There are plenty of reasons why people make all this hustle and go travel the world. But who wouldn’t want to travel the world when your main reason is just to travel, see the world and forget that you have a job at home? And would you deny yourself the advantages of traveling when you learn what they are?

Update: This post was written and published by the previous owner of this website. As the new owner of this site, I made some minor edits and changes to match my own writing and publishing style, in May 2023. However, I have left the information mostly in it’s original form. – Amy

But do you need reasons to travel?

According to the statistics of the FAA, there are over 44,000 daily flights and over 2 million passengers fly in and out of U.S airports every single day. 

Imagine how many individuals travel every day and that statistic is only in the USA. These people have their reasons why they surround themselves with other passengers in one of the busiest places. It could be for jobs, study, business conferences or meetings, or migration.

Some may be aware of the benefits and advantages of travelling, that’s why they are travelling but I’ll give you enough reasons why you should pack your bag and go travel right now.

It will cost you money and time, but it will give you plenty of advantages and benefits.

Here are the 6 Advantages of Traveling

1. You gain independence

Whether you’re traveling alone or with someone, traveling helps you develop your skills of being independent. Independence doesn’t necessarily mean being alone, but it means being responsible for yourself and others too.

If you think you can’t attain independence when you’re not traveling alone, you may be surprised!

From the word itself, independence defines as the freedom to make decisions without being influenced or controlled by others. Although traveling requires decisiveness and readiness on your part, you have to see to it also, that you’re not the only one who would benefit and enjoy your decision.

Thus, you have to know your travel companions and see to it that they wouldn’t regret you making the decision and being responsible while traveling.

2. It makes you a better person

As part of traveling, you will explore things and places you’ve never been before, you leave your comfort zone and your home to see more of the world.

You might find yourself in places where you would appreciate and focus on things that you have and forget to resent the things which you don’t have.

It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling alone or not. Either way, you will learn more about how to be social and engage with other people. If you’re an introvert (like I tend to be), you will learn to get out of your comfort zone and participate more in the community. Slowly you will notice that communicating and socializing with people seem natural to you and others.

3. You learn to save your money and time

Traveling, especially with a group of people or with someone and with a certain itinerary requires more precise planning.

Spontaneity is also good sometimes but it also means being flexible with how you handle money and expenses. So if you want to save money, you need to hit two birds at the same time, save your time as well, and avoid unnecessary things on travel.

Going broke on the road can be a nightmare especially if you lack emergency funds and your savings are empty. To save embarrassment and further headaches, you need to be wise on how to handle your expenses on your travel.

advantages of travel letter board with passport and sunglasses in front

4. You become aware of yourself and others

‘‘I travel to find myself.’’ Wait, did I hear that before?

Ugh, sounds cliché right? Yes, it is, but there’s a tinge of fact in this sentence, maybe not only a tinge but quite a lot too.

If you’re traveling alone, you only have yourself to depend on, you discover your strengths, weaknesses, and your fears. If you’re traveling with your family, friends or with a romantic partner, you discover more of each other.

Getting stressed on a journey is inevitable, especially if you don’t agree on one thing or two. But if you work on these differences, everything will go smoothly in no time.

5. It makes you happy and boosts health

Another benefit of traveling is happiness.

Who wouldn’t be happy if you get the chance to see the world, be confident and talk with other people?

Other than that, you forget the stress and simply revel in the beautiful places before your eyes.

Reduced stress leads to optimal health, mentally and physically. Some even travel to attempt to cure a broken heart and depression, but if you have the latter, it is best to seek a counselor.

Traveling can give you happiness and optimizes your health but you should also be aware that from traveling you also get travel-induced diseases. But hopefully, that won’t stop you from traveling. 

6. Traveling makes you smarter

You travel the world, discover places, different people and their cultures. For every place you visit, you always learn something new. One of the most common things you will easily learn is the language. From asking the direction to ordering food in a restaurant, you will slowly speak the language and soon you will converse with the locals like you’re one of the locals yourself.

Talking about the benefits of traveling and the reasons you should go to travel now, this article is not enough. I have written this article based on my own experience and observation. Yet, I am always curious about what others think about this topic.

Can you think of any other benefits and advantages of traveling worth sharing?

Thinking of traveling? I have a free checklist for traveling that helps you in preparing to explore different places and discover something new.

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