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The Benefits of a Staycation This Year

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Planning on a dream vacation at home this year? Maybe it isn’t what you originally planned – or maybe it was! Either way, there are so many benefits of a staycation at home! Read on to see our thoughts on sticking around your own territory for vacation.

wine on a patio table for benefits of a staycation post

All year long you’ve eagerly awaited it – your two-week vacation. You and your family have planned, prepared, and pinched every penny until it screamed. You’ve mapped out your routes, reserved your rooms, bought your tickets, and scheduled your itinerary. You’ve packed your suitcases, loaded the cameras with film, and found someone to water the plants while you’re away. You are ready to go!

Then the unthinkable happens. Perhaps it’s a death in the family or an unexpected hospital stay, or your car is destroyed in a flash flood. Now, instead of covering the cost of the vacation you so meticulously planned, your vacation money must cover the cost of this unforeseen circumstance. The disappointment is palpable. You and your family are resigned to two boring weeks in front of the T.V. watching the Travel channel and lamenting your lost vacation. No money, no vacation.

Buck up! You can still have an awesome vacation. All you need are a county or state map, some imagination, and a few (very few) dollars.

Benefits of a Staycation

There are many benefits of a staycation! Of course, there are different levels of a staycation. Some people choose to stay in their own house so as not to spend a dime on lodging. Other people opt to stay in a local hotel – just for the experience of trying it out and getting out of their own walls.

Saving Money

Obviously, a lot of money can be saved with a staycation. That is one of the biggest benefits of staycations. Since you will not be paying for airfare, Ubers, gas for long distance travels, you will not be out as much money. And if you choose to stay at your own house for your staycation, you will definitely save a lot of money!

Gaining an Appreciation for Local Attractions

It’s rather common for people to spend money visiting attractions in other cities and states, yet ignore the ones right in their own backyards. Get out and see all the greatness that has developed in your own area! With some luck, you can swing some free or discounted visits on certain days. But, if not, at least your dollars would be going to support your local area.

Trying New Restaurants

A dream vacation at home starts with good food – just like any good vacation afar! Use this opportunity to try some of those new restaurants that you haven’t had a chance to try yet. Or maybe you want to swing back around and visit a restaurant you haven’t been to in years!

Gather your family, pull out your wallet and your maps, and grab a notebook and pen. Jot down some ideas of fun things to do together as a family. A few ideas might be: swimming, fishing, visiting a National Forest, park, or museum near you. Sketch out a budget and decide how far from home you can afford to go.

Exploring New Areas of Nature

Get those sneaks on and hit up a new walking trail or river trail! Hiking a trail or visiting a city park costs zero dollars. One of the benefits of a staycation is finding those little gems in your own area that visitors from other places might enjoy should they visit your town.

woman walks on trail during staycation with child on back

Sites like Only in Your State do a great job of keeping residents (and visitors) in the know of all that is going on their own territory!

No matter where you go or if you go nowhere at all, the best dream vacation is one spent with your loved ones. And that’s always the best benefit of a staycation or anything in life! We grow up, we grow old, and our vacations become days spent reminiscing about those adventures of our youth. Make it a good one full of love, laughter, and the people you cherish most.

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