boy playing with Legos on plane for stress free traveling

A Guide to Stress Free Traveling

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With more and more people traveling around the world, more airlines and travel options available, as well as the increased dangers and possibilities of things going wrong can increase your stress levels. Stress is the last thing that you want on your holidays and vacations. You want to enjoy yourself, relax and have a good time, not spend your trip worrying about silly and avoidable issues. Read on for tips on stress free traveling!

view from plane window into the clouds on post about stress free traveling

Plan Ahead for Stress Free Traveling

Having a plan in place when you’re traveling can reduce your worries tenfold. With a plan you know exactly where you want to go and how you want to get there. When it comes to planning your travels book your flights, accommodation, and tours in advance. That way you’ll have nothing to worry about when you get on the plane, bus, or train. The only thing on your mind is relaxation and thoughts about all the wonderful and fun things you’re going to be doing!

Plan Money and Budget Accordingly

Have enough money for all the things you want to do. Having a decent amount of money when traveling can save you a lot of stress. Things can get expensive – food, day trips, tours and souvenirs can take their toll on the wallet. Nothing can make a nice vacation day go off-course more than realizing you are running short on money!

Of course if you’re on a budget you can also have a good time and stress free if you know what and where you can get best value for your dollar. With planning ahead, as mentioned above, you can organize what you want to see and where you want to go and fit it all into your budget. It’s also a good idea to add a bit extra just in case prices have changed or in case of emergency.

A travel budget calculator can be extremely helpful in helping you budget appropriately.

Make a Deal With Yourself to Leave Worries at Home

Leave your worries at home. If you’re going on holiday tell yourself that you will not thinking about the problems you have in everyday life. That means no talk of money or work. No complaining about colleagues or dishes in the sink. No criticizing each other or yelling at the kids about their grades and lack of organization or tidiness. Traveling is meant to be stress free, so leave all that unneeded baggage at home.

Along With Your Light Mind, Take a Light Suitcase

Pack light. You don’t want to be lagging a heavy suitcase and worrying about weight restrictions. It’s unlikely you’re going to using even half of watch you pack on holiday. So be strict with yourself and you’ll save yourself a lot of stress along the way. When I went to Russia, I learned a lesson that overpacking and having to drag my own too-heavy suitcases around for a month was for the birds! Since then, I’ve learned to adapt a light suitcase policy.

Learn a Bit of the Language (If Applicable)

Learn a few words or phrases in the language of the country you are traveling to. This will help you communicate better with them, and it will show respect for their culture. Knowing a few words like ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘good morning’ can have an affect on how the locals treat you. If they see you are trying they are more likely to give you a helping hand when you need it.

Pack Plenty of Entertainment for Kids if You Want Stress Free Traveling

If you’re traveling with kids, pack something to keep them entertained. Those who have traveled with young children even once are well aware of how things can go completely south when children get bored during travel! Children need something to hold their attention constantly. If you want your travels to be stress free, bring a board game, some books, coloring in books and cards to keep them amused during evenings in hotels, while waiting at airports, or traveling to and from destinations. Tablets are great, too. But you will likely not want your child on technology devices during the entire travel time!

When we go on a flight, I prefer my children take in the take off and touch down experiences with no device or distractions. For a child, that touch down and take off should be the stuff of life! I don’t want my girls distracted with some silly game instead of appreciating these special travel moments!

boy playing with Legos on plane for stress free traveling

It’s possible to enjoy stress free traveling. Be prepared for the unexpected and the unexpected won’t shock or stress you out. Above all, set out with a positive attitude in place.

More Travel Tips to Explore If You Like Our Stress Free Traveling Tips

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