world map made of coins with woman's hand reaching over for saving on international trips

5 Best Tips for Saving on International Trips

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If you’re looking to do some international travel soon, you might be wondering how you can maximize saving on international trips. Have no fear – there are many great options to help you save money on international travel! It can be daunting, especially if this is your first time traveling internationally, but there are lots of tips and tricks to help you save while also enjoying your trip to the fullest! We have spent times where we have paid way too much for international travel and other times when we found the best deals! Follow along for our best tips for saving on international trips (of course these tips can be applied to local travel as well)! 

saving on international trips with woman's hand reaching over world map of coins

Avoid Peak Travel Season

Oftentimes, prices will skyrocket during peak travel times like summer vacation, holidays, and events like three day weekends. If you’re able to avoid travel during this time, it is in your best interest to do so! Plan your vacation as far ahead as possible so that you can really try to lock down a time when it will be cheaper to travel.

Also, for working purposes, it is usually easier to request time off during non-peak seasons where not as many other employees will be requesting the time off (i.e. holidays and school vacations). If you’re not able to avoid the peak seasons, consider traveling during the week to reduce travel costs like airfare and room stays. Traveling on the weekend can increase your costs exponentially so try to avoid this no matter what season you travel in! 

Find a Credit Card to Use for Points When Saving on International Trips

If you don’t already have a credit card where you can collect points, it’s a good idea to apply for one now, before your trip! Do your research to find out which credit cards work best for your lifestyle and also allow you to collect and redeem points that will be beneficial to your traveling! Some airline credit cards can be a great investment and if you’ll be doing a lot of travel in the future, the points can add up quickly and include great perks.

Additionally, there are credit cards that have lower foreign fees which can be a huge benefit when traveling internationally. There are many options available so just do your research and see what works best for you to help with saving on international trips! 

Cook Your Own Meals as Often as Possible

Although it can be tempting to dine out for every meal while traveling (especially internationally where you have the opportunity to experience different food cultures), it’s a good idea to plan on cooking some of your own meals or providing your own snacks while traveling. Dining out can be one of the biggest costs and preventions of saving on international trips so cutting this out of the equation, at least for some meals, can be a huge relief on your budget! 

Seek out Free Entertainment

While traveling, one of the easiest ways to maximize saving on international trips is by seeking out free entertainment! While there will be many options for you to spend money on, it’s a good idea to find some options that don’t require anything at all! Check your destination for things like free museums, local guided tours that are free to the public, concerts or festivals, or even art displays that are accessible for free! 

Look for Bundled Packages When Saving on International Trips

Bundled packages can definitely be worthwhile and help you maximize saving on international trips but it’s important to know what you’re looking for! Bundled packages are pretty flexible in terms of options and depending on where you look, it can be easy to customize packages to your needs. Many travel sites offer bundles on flight/hotel/car and are flexible if you only need some and not all of those features. It is important to decide while planning your trip if you will be utilizing all of these services and if not, how to save by only bundling the services you need.

My favorite travel sites to use are Travelocity and Expedia. However, beware that a few times some of our friends have had issues with their travel plans made through bundle travel sites being canceled at the last minute in favor of people making plans directly through airlines. Personally, I have experienced no problems using travel sites.

Additionally, hotels can sometimes offer bundled packages with room service, meal vouchers, or other special amenities. Do your research when searching for bundles because not all services offer the option to pick and choose the things you need in your package. Bundled packages can definitely be a great aid in saving on international trips and the sooner you book, the more you generally save! 

These are our tried and true best tips for saving on international trips, but of course there are always more! Do you know of any great tips for saving on international trips? Share in the comments below! After all, the more knowledge, the better!

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