view of Manila, Philippines in post about why you won't survive the Philippines

Top 4 Reasons You Won’t Survive The Philippines

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To those of you who don’t know what the Philippines is, it’s a country located in Asia. I have to mention it after discovering that there might be people in Europe and in the USA who don’t know what or where the Philippines is. Aside from being a country in Asia, it’s also my country, my homeland. It is possible you won’t survive the Philippines until you know what to expect from the people and the culture!

view of Manila, Philippines in post about why you won't survive the Philippines

My motherland is composed of 7,641 islands (according to Wikipedia) and consists of over 150 languages and dialects. Well, I don’t know who counted them (maybe Wiki?).

Update: This post was written and published by the previous owner of this website. As the new owner of this site, I made some minor edits and changes to match my own writing and publishing style, in May 2023. However, I have left the information mostly in it’s original form. – Amy

What I wanted to discuss is the culture of the Philippines. Did you know on the map, you can see the country is shaped like a long typical Philippine skirt of a woman called Saya?

Reasons You Might Not Survive the Philippines

1. Laughing

This is what I like the most about my fellowmen. Regardless of the situation, they always find the reason to laugh and smile. If you are one of these people who get annoyed by easy or constant laughter, then the Philippines is not for you, buddy.

Filipinos really love to laugh. Why?

It’s in the Filipino mind-setting. We even laugh at our own failures or mistakes. We always see the good in something.

Take note, there are also a lot of comedy bars. In case it’s your thing, don’t miss it. The only downside is it’s in the local language, Tagalog. Therefore, you might not understand it. But in one way or another, you would still definitely laugh.

 2. Eating Habits

If you are a vegan or on a diet phase, it is possible you won’t survive the Philippines and the eating system. Or maybe you will survive it, but you just might not appreciate it! Like other cultures, Filipinos serve meat regularly. In fact, there are different styles of cooking meats like Adobo, Kare-Kare, Sinigang, Sisig and many more.

If you’re in the Philippines, you must not miss these foods.

Filipinos have also this eating tradition called ‘Boodle Fight” where they eat with their hands, and the different types of foods are laid out on a big banana leaf.

Since the Philippines was once colonized by Spain, some Spanish traditions were also passed on and one of those is a fiesta.

Whenever there’s a feast or fiesta in one place, it’s already a practice that people go from one house to the other, especially in town or barrio areas.

What’s funny is the potential domino effect. For example, let’s say we have a relative called Juan and you have invited him and his whole family of wife and kids to go to your house to eat. But Juan also invited a comrade, named Pedro. This Pedro also invited another friend to come. Well, imagine seeing complete strangers eating in your house!

Are you ready for this eating adventure?

Filipino meat - for reasons you won't survive the Philippines as a Vegan

3. Attitude Towards Foreigners

I would really dare to say you won’t feel racism or inequality simply because of your color in Philippines. On the contrary, Filipinos love foreign visitors. They really serve and deal with foreigners well.

I have watched a lot of videos of some bloggers who have been in the Philippines or presently in the country, and it became more apparent to me that foreigners are mostly treated well when visiting the Philippines.

I had an English Filipino literature book when I was in high school. And I read, according to a story, that all white men that come to the Philippines are ‘‘Joe” especially American men. I have forgotten the whole concept of the story, but it appears that during those times when Filipinos saw a foreign white man who spoke differently, he would be then greeted with ‘‘Hey, Joe”.

Filipinos are also known for being very hospitable. Even a typical relative or a friend visiting a family would get the benefit of comfort and great service. He will be given the best new pillows. So imagine how much hospitality you would receive if you are from another country?

If you’re convinced that you might make it in the Philippines, here’s a guide book called Lonely Planet Philippines which would help you in exploring the Philippines.

4. Gestures and Body Languages

What I really find funny is how Filipinos point at a thing or in a direction. Normally, we point with our index finger, right? (Yes, index, so save your middle finger) But Filipinos have their own way of answering somebody who is asking for a direction or a street.

If you’re new in the country and not used to how people behave, you might really think you are being approached by a tambay who may want to kiss you. Eh, gross, yeah. But, in reality, he’s just pointing with his snout.

Filipinos are also respectful and polite people – especially towards the elderly. They have this traditional gesture called ‘‘Mano”. Literally, it means hand in Spanish, they often say, ‘‘Mano po” while taking the hand of an elderly and bringing it to their forehead.

It is normally done when they arrive at home or if the elderly arrives at home.

Instead of going crazy trying to understand the many gestures of the Philippines, you might want to grab something to read as a preparation in visiting the country by buying this book from Amazon called Tagalog for Beginners. Aside from a polite gesture called Mano, and the use of the upper lip in pointing a finger, Filipinos have other gestures that would really astound you.

To see more about these gestures, you could check out a video of a Canadian vlogger who resides in the Philippines. In his video, he has demonstrated the funny way these gestures look. You could also visit his blog and his YouTube account BecomingFilipino.

So there you have it, lovelies! I hope you got some perspective on what it’s like living in the Philippines. Would you be able to endure the country and the people there? Do you know some Filipinos personally, or have you been to the Philippines? How’s your experience? Let me know by commenting down below.

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